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Biddenham International School and Sports College

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Year 6 to Year 7 Transition

Moving from primary to secondary school is an exciting and significant event in the life of your child.

It is an important milestone which, for many parents, carers, marks a change in expectations regarding crucial life skills, such as independent working and self-organisation.

When a child starts at secondary school, they are expected to cope with a whole variety of new experiences and changes, many of which demand skills and abilities that they have not had to use before. The problem is that these skills do not spontaneously develop in young people in the summer before they begin secondary schools – like reading and writing, they have to be taught, and our young people need support in developing them. This will be different for every student and for some it may take slightly longer to adjust to the change and that’s ok.

You may be feeling you have a lack of expertise having only had a child at primary school. It is our job to support you with this please use our transition support page resources to sit down and discuss the exciting opportunities that they have ahead of them.

Biddenham believes that a building positive home/school partnerships early on start with parents and carers establishing habits of work and independence is an investment that will save endless time, battles and heartache in the long run. It is worth the effort of getting it right to start with (so much easier than putting things right when they have gone wrong). If you can help your child to do this, you will really be making a difference. There is a wide range of information that you and your child might like to explore on our school website.

We hope you enjoy looking through examples of the support available on our transitions support page and the transition process puts both your child and your own mind at rest.

If you would like to know more from our Principal and Head of School, please read their welcome here.

We look forward to meeting you soon.

Ms E Simpson
Assistant Headteacher, Key Stage 3