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Transition Support

At Biddenham we understand that it can be daunting for parents and carers to move from having one teacher to contact in primary school, to a range of teachers in secondary school. 

Who do we contact in school during transition?

During the transition process from primary to secondary school the main contact will be:

Mrs Chapman
Assistant Headteacher, Outreach,
Partnership and Community
email: transition@biddenham.beds.sch.uk

Common Concerns

You have received your school offer what next?
Once you have applied for a place and have been successful, you will be invited to a transfer day.
Mrs Chapman and the year 7 team will visit all schools and gain all the information needed to know about your child. Most children will just attend the transfer days and then meet the tutor in the evening.

My child needs more support to transition to secondary school. What will that look like for them?
For some children they may be invited along to 'Targeted Transition Sessions' based on their individual needs. Some students find they need curriculum support when they join us and sessions are put in place in September to start supporting them.

How will Biddenham get to know my child's voice during transition?
We work closely with primary schools and we offer:

  • The Year 6 Transition booklet this offers the opportunity to develop skills to help prepare them for secondary school life. This will enable you to discuss the support avaialble to them at home.
  • You and your child will also have the oppotunity to meet with a member of the Biddenham team during the transition period.

Sometimes students are not placed with all their friends, but we work hard to make sure students are familiar with people in their class and take on board feedback from primary staff who know your child. We will work pastorally with students who may find this a difficult transition and ask that you support the decisions made by both schools.

What does the first week look like?
When students start in September, they will take part in ‘Aspire higher’ lessons that are embedded in literacy and to spark curiosity in all the new subjects they will study. These lessons are chromebook free and in tutor time.

Students will explore settling and scaling lessons, and be given time to get used to using their chromebook, timetables and takes such as ordering their lunch. 

We have put together a selection of magazines and other resources to support you and your child during this transition phase, with school specific information to help you contact the right person with any questions you may have. 

Year 6 into Year 7 Transition Student Booklet

Year 6 into Year 7 Transition - My First Day at School BookletSite Plan
On your child's first day, they will receive a ‘GO BIG Book’. This is self-help book which will help them navigate their way as a secondary school student. They will read this book in assemblies and with their tutor and are encouraged to read and discuss it at home.

Please encourage your child to have healthy work habits and to get involved in our wide range of clubs on offer - these are all free of change. This is a great way to make friends.

Please explore the ‘Learning’ tab in the main menu to view the additional curriculum and pastoral support we offer students when they join.