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Religious Studies

Department Overview

Religious Studies is a core subject at Biddenham as we believe it is important in a diverse multi-religious and multi-secular society to understand and respect one another especially when, or if, we disagree with their beliefs. Every student will have one lesson per week in key stage 3 and two lessons per week in key stage 4. Every student will take GCSE Religious Studies in Year 11.

As a department we are ambitious and our curriculum is designed to give all learners the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in life. We aim to be inclusive in our curriculum by teaching about religious beliefs as well as non-religious beliefs. We encourage our young people to ask questions and be inquisitive.

During their time at Biddenham, students will cover a range of topics aiming to understand their own and others’ stances on a range of topical and controversial issues whilst respecting those with beliefs which are different.

Our aims are to:

    • Help students to explore the answers to the big questions of our existence.
    • Help students to develop a knowledge and understanding of how religious and non-religious traditions have shaped Great Britain and the world.
    • Provide an intellectually challenging and personally enriching experience.
    • Encourage our young people to share and discuss their ideas openly and safely in a spirit of tolerance and respect for difference.
    • Provide space to explore the controversial, moral and ethical issues in our society.
    • Allow students to develop their own personal views on matters of belief and non-belief.
    • Develop their skills of oracy, critical thinking and empathy.

Subject Learning Journey

Visit our Instagram page to view a gallery of our students’ work.

Who to contact for extra information:

Mrs Hussain




Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4 Key Stage 5

Year 7:
Autumn 1 and 2 – Belonging
Progress Check

Spring 1 and 2 – Divide and Conquer
Prime Minister Speech

Summer 1 and 2 – Commonwealth
Who inspires you?

Year 8:
Autumn 1 and 2
 – Tales of the Riverbank
Rivers Presentation

Spring 1 and 2 – Exploration
Extended piece of creative writing

Summer 1 and 2 – Tomorrow’s World
Buddhism in Art

End of topic test.

Practice exam question every half term.


Year 10: Full Paper 1 PPE in the summer.

Year 11: Synoptic assessments, Full Paper 1 and two PPE. (Two 1 hour 45 mins exam papers. The first paper covers Christianity and Islam. Second paper covers themes.)

Year 12 L3:
End of topic tests for each unit throughout the course.

June PPEs
Paper 1: Philosophy of religion
Paper 2: Religion and Ethics
Paper 3: Developments in Christian Thought

Year 13 L3:
End of topic tests for each unit throughout the course.

December PPEs (2 hours for each paper):
Paper 1: Philosophy of religion
Paper 2: Religion and Ethics
Paper 3: Developments in Christian Thought

March PPEs (2 hours for each paper):
Paper 1: Philosophy of religion
Paper 2: Religion and Ethics
Paper 3: Developments in Christian Thought

Exam Board Information

AQA GCSE Religious Studies

OCR AS and A Level Religious Studies