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Biddenham International School and Sports College

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Media Studies

Department Overview

Media Studies at Biddenham comprises both critical analysis of media texts and their meaning alongside a production module where the students will create their own work, from planning to editing.

Our Media suite has 22 computers in the classroom, all of which have professional video editing software, and further additional programmes which support the students’ creative needs. 

The Media Studies department offers:

  • Friendly, supportive and creative learning environment.
  • A dedicated computer suite with specialist software.
  • An inclusive approach to teaching and learning where all students will feel valued.
  • High expectations of all students.
  • Opportunities for the students to explore their creative thirst with both filming, editing and directing.
  • Specialist teachers with a proven passion for the subject.

“The Media Studies classroom has a great work atmosphere. The teaching style allows us to both have fun and as well as learn new material in a relaxed manner.” - Year 13 student

Subject Learning Journey

Visit our Instagram page to view a gallery of our students’ work.

Who to contact for extra information:

Mr Smith



Assessments in Media Studies

Key Stage 4 Key Stage 5

Paper 1
Section A: Media Language and Representations (could include magazines, advertising and marketing, newspapers, OSP media and video games).
Will include an unseen analysis – any product that can be printed.
Section B: Media Industries and Audiences (could include film, music video, radio, newspapers, OSP media and video games).

Paper 2
Section A:
 Television (will include a three minute clip from one of the two TV CSPs – questions will increasingly widen scope beyond the clip itself 
Section B: either newspapers or OSP media and video games – so far has always included two 20-mark ‘judgement and conclusion’ questions.

Paper 1: Media Language and representation: unseen, application of framework, comparison with CSP, application of academic theory (35%)
Paper 2: Media Industries and Media Audiences: MCQ (Multiple Choice), Knowledge recall questions, TWO medium sized responses based on framework + CSPs (35%)
NEA (30%)

Exam Board Information