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Biddenham International School and Sports College

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Department Overview

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education helps students to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage many of the critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face as they grow up and approach adulthood.

By teaching students to stay safe and healthy and by building self-esteem, resilience and empathy, our effective PSHE programme helps tackle barriers to learning, raise aspirations, and improve the life chances of all our students.

Biddenham students will develop their understanding of: Relationships and Sex Education (RSE); Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing Education (PHMW); Careers Education, Economic Education, British Values and Citizenship Education.

The curriculum is delivered once a week, through a dedicated 50-55 minute lesson, taught by their form tutor.

Subject Learning Journey

Visit our Instagram page to view a gallery of our students’ work.


Who to contact for extra information:
Mrs Wilthew