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Biddenham International School and Sports College

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Department Overview

The law underpins much of what we do in life. It has an impact on our upbringing, education, careers and interests.

The study of law improves your powers of reasoning, clarity of thought, and the ability to analyse. It is taught within so many different professions from medicine, to business, to architecture, to teaching; that to have an understanding of our legal system is always an advantage.

A level Law is an obvious choice for anyone wanting a career in the legal profession or in any aspect of our justice system.

As a department our purpose is to develop and sustain the enjoyment of, and interest in law, through our fresh and innovative delivery. We aim to give students an understanding of legal method, improve their powers of reasoning, clarity of thought, and develop analytical skills and solve problems by applying legal rules. Our teaching is inclusive, flexible, creative and adept at designing learning sequences that are effective and consistently well-matched to learning objectives and the needs of learners.

Subject Learning Journey

Who to contact for extra information:

Miss Rupasinghe




Key Stage 5

Assessment is based on three external examinations in year 13.

Component 1: The legal system and criminal law (33.3%)
Introduces learners to the legal system and to the concept of liability through an introduction to criminal law. This component is split into two sections:
Section A: The legal system
Section B: Criminal law

Component 2: Law making and the law of tort (33.3%)
Introduces learners to law making and also to the concept of liability through an introduction to the law of tort. This component is split into two sections:
Section A: Law making
Section B: the law of tort.

Component 3: Further Law (33.3%)
Will enable learners to extend their study of law. They will explore and consider in more detail the nature of law. It will also develop their legal knowledge through the study of the law of contract. This component is split into two sections:
Section A: The nature of law
Section B: Human rights law or the law of contract

Exam Board Information

A Level Law