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Biddenham International School and Sports College

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Department Overview

Geography at Biddenham allows students to explore and understand human and physical interactions with the wider world. This is taught via written and creative learning styles where students can spend time off timetable completing cross curricular projects linking their lives to the current world. 

Geography is taught at Key Stage 3 over a two year course. Students can then elect to study the subject at GCSE and is taught over three years, with three exams at the end.

Students can also choose to study A Level Geography, and this is taught over a two year course with two exams and one piece of written non exam assessment (coursework).

Subject Learning Journey

Who to contact for extra information:

Mrs Browne




Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4 Key Stage 5

Students are assessed on roughly three pieces of bookwork, two pieces of homework, and one end of topic assessment throughout each theme.

There are three themes in year 7 and three in year 8. Their grade is an average of all pieces of marked work. These vary from skills based, comprehension, to extended writing throughout each topic.

Students are assessed on exam questions in most lessons throughout each topic, and an end of topic assessment. An average of their assessments in each topic generate their current grade.
Paper 1: Physical Environment – Changing UK Landscapes, Weather Hazards and Climate Change, Ecosystems (exam end of year 11, 33% of GCSE)
Paper 2: Human Environment – Changing Cities, Global Development, Resource Management (exam end of year 11, 33% of GCSE)
Paper 3: Fieldwork – Coastal investigation, Urban investigation, UK Challenges (exam end of year 11, 33% of GCSE)
Paper 1: The Physical Environment (40%)
Paper 2: The Human Environment (40%)
Non Examined Assessment is worth 20% of their overall grade.

Exam Board Information

GCSE Edexcel A (for current year 11)