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Biddenham International School and Sports College

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Business Studies

Department Overview

Business Studies at Biddenham allows students to develop their entrepreneurial spirit and enterprise ideas as well as securing the knowledge of key Business Studies topics including: Ownership, Finance, Recruitment, Marketing and External influences. 

A variety of activities and learning styles will allow our students to develop their academic writing through the use of coursework as well as participating in more hands-on activities including, pitching a micro enterprise idea, exploring marketing methods used by businesses and understanding accountancy and finance formulas. They will gain the opportunity to use real life business case studies and experience talks and visits from some local business owners.

Business Studies is an option subject at key stage 4 and is selected in year 9. The course is taught over three years and includes two formal assessments which consists of two external examinations at the end of year 11.

Students can then choose to study BTEC Level 3 Business in sixth form. This is taught over a two year course with one examination and one coursework unit each year.

Subject Learning Journey

Visit our Instagram page to view a gallery of our students’ work.

Who to contact for extra information:

Miss Walton




 Key Stage 4

Key Stage 5

Theme 1: Investigating small business – Paper code: 1BS0/01 (written examination, 1 hour and 45 minutes, 50% of the qualification, 90 marks)
Theme 2: Building a business – Paper code: 1BS0/02 (written examination, 1 hour and 45 minutes, 50% of the qualification, 90 marks)

Calculators may be used in the examination.

Year 12 – BTEC National Certificate equivalent to an AS Level:
Unit 1: Exploring Businesses (internal coursework)
Unit 2: Developing a Marketing Campaign (external examination task, 3 hours)
Year 13 – BTEC National Extended Certificate equivalent to an A Level:
Unit 3: Personal & Business Finance (external examination, 2 hours)
Unit 8: Recruitment and Selection in Business (internal coursework)

 Exam Board Information

Key Stage 4 Prior to 2023-204 BTEC Tech Award EnterpriseKey Stage 4 from 2023-2024 Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in BusinessKey Stage 5 BTEC National Business