Field trip to Malham Cove, Yorkshire – 26-27th June 2023


May 2023

Dear Parents/Carers

Field trip to Malham Cove, Yorkshire – 26-27th June 2023

The Geography department would like to thank you for your support for the above trip. This trip is a fantastic opportunity to bring learning alive and hopefully improve your child’s chances of gaining their predicted grade. To allow this to happen we require a contribution of £55 this price includes half board (breakfast and packed lunch), transport and other costs such as insurance. This visit will be an informative and hopefully enjoyable day; especially if we get the weather! The trip will be taking place on 26-27th June 2023.

The purpose of the trip is two-fold. Firstly, it allows students to participate in a small-scale geographical investigation about the physical and human geography of a place, exploiting the geographical rigours of fieldwork. Secondly, it provides them with an opportunity to identify an aspect of geography they would like to explore further to help students in preparing their individual investigation.

Please complete the Parental Consent form including payment on Parent Pay no later than Friday
16th June 2022.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Miss E Roberts
Head of Geography