Visit to Oliver Cromwell House and Ely Cathedral – Tuesday 18th July 2023


May 2023

Dear Parent/Carer

Visit to Oliver Cromwell House and Ely Cathedral – Tuesday 18th July 2023

The History department is pleased to offer the opportunity to 60 Year 7 students to attend a trip toEly in Cambridgeshire to visit the house of Oliver Cromwell and the city’s magnificent cathedral on Tuesday 18th July. The trip ties into the topics we have been learning about in History this term.

Students will explore the house of the former Lord Protectorate of England, Oliver Cromwell; this will include a guided tour of the house’s many features and a visit to the interactive Civil War exhibition.  As well as visiting Cromwell House, the students will take a short walk to Ely Cathedral where they will be given another guided tour, to see the architecture and magnificence of a building which dates back to the medieval period. While in Ely Cathedral students will take part in additional activities.

The trip will cost £43 and includes travel, admission to the venues and the guided tours. There are a total of 60 places available on a first come first serve basis. These can only be paid for via ParentPay.

Students will need to bring a pack lunch and any beverages they wish, plus a small amount of spending money for the gift shop. We recommend no more than £5. If your child is eligible for free school meals then a school lunch will be provided for them.

The trip will be leaving at 9.30am and we will be travelling by coach with the aim to return to school by the normal time of 2.35pm.

If you have any further questions about the trip please contact Mr Bowness on

Yours sincerely

Callum Bowness
Teacher of History and PBL