Trip to University of Bedfordshire 14th July 2023


June 2023

Dear Parent/Carer

Trip to University of Bedfordshire 14th July 2023

We will be taking the year 12 Psychology students to visit the Psychology department at the University of Bedfordshire in Luton.  Students are to meet at Bedford train station at 9:30am and we will return to train station at 2:00pm.

As part of psychology, students should experience and learn about how psychological research is carried out.  This trip will allow students to engage with a seminar regarding forensic psychology as well as myths in psychology along with having hands-on experience in the University of Bedfordshire’s research laboratories.

Everyone is expected to attend and your child will be asked to catch up on any work missed.

There is no cost to the trip, however your child may like to bring some money for lunch.

Please log into your ParentPay account to give parental consent.

Yours sincerely

Hannah Wilthew

Head of Psychology