Year 7 Progress Test letter



September 2023


Dear Parent Carer, 


Your child will be taking some standardised tests, week commencing 18th September, to assess Reading, English, Maths and Science against national standards. These tests help to provide us with a starting point and excellent information to help inform our planning and teaching. Should you wish to find out more information see the links below to websites that have been designed for parents to explain the content of the tests in more detail. These include videos that can be translated into different languages. 



The tests will cover all areas of the national curriculum in English, Maths and Science at key stage 3.  It is important to emphasise that these tests are to help us improve and personalise our teaching and we are keen that students should not find them too stressful.


You might like to set aside some time to go through with your child what they have learnt in these subjects using some of the online tools listed below. 


BBC Bitesize 

Oak Academy 


In addition to this, students will complete a national standardised questionnaire that looks at attitudes to learning. The pastoral team will aim to address any areas that have been highlighted in the results through either assemblies, Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) activities, group or individual support 


In order to be prepared and organised for the progress tests please:



The results of the tests will be shared with you on Parental Engagement evening (Tuesday 14th November) along with their progress report for the first term with us at Biddenham.


If you have any questions regarding these tests, please do not hesitate to contact me


Yours sincerely 


Miss E Simpson 

Director of KS3