Brooks Hair & Beauty salon, Bedford


January 2023

Dear Parent/Carer

Brooks Hair & Beauty salon, Bedford

We have been invited to take a small group of students to visit Brooks Hair and Beauty, the Bedford College training salon on Friday 2nd February. We would like to invite your child to attend as they have indicated their interest in this industry sector and we feel it will enrich their knowledge and support them in making career decisions.

We will depart from Biddenham School at 8.30am and will arrive back at school at 1.00pm – travelling by school minibus.

Students are to wear full school uniform and will be required to bring a packed lunch. Those in receipt of free school meals will be able to collect a packed lunch before departure.

Please provide parental consent via your ParentPay account. If this is not completed your child will not be able to attend the visit.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding this trip.

Yours Sincerely,

Beverley Darlow
BTEC Quality Nominee, Head of Workskills and teacher of Mathematics
KS5 Careers Adviser