Highways England – Recruitment Interviews


March 2024

Dear Parent/Carer

Highways England – Recruitment Interviews

We are running a year 13 Business trip on Monday 18th March to National Highways, Manton Lane, Bedford. The students will be gaining valuable experience of formal interviews, by interviewing for one of three roles with National Highways. They will be videoed for their Business coursework, so they can reflect on their own performance and they will also be given individual feedback by the interview panel.

Students are expected to be fully prepared and attend the interviews in professional attire.

Students will be divided into two groups and will travel by school minibus. Group one will depart Biddenham at 10.30am and return to at 12.30pm. Group two will depart Biddenham at 12.40 and return at 2.45pm. Students will be allocated a group nearer the time.

Please provide parental consent by logging in to your ParentPay account.

Should you have any questions regarding this trip, please do not hesitate to get in contact.


Yours Sincerely
Cathy Eckett
Deputy Headteacher