KS3 Student Climate Change Summit


December 2023

KS3 Student Climate Change Summit

Dear Parent/Carer,

Thank you for signing your child up to the Climate Change Summit on Wednesday 10th January. We hope they are looking forward to the event! Please read over the following information carefully as it contains important details about the event.

Students are to attend in full school uniform. They will need to bring a packed lunch for the day. If a student is eligible for free school meals this will be organised for them and a separate google form will be emailed to them to select their food choices for the day.

The venue has asked that students bring a mobile phone or similar device as there will be some interactive parts of the day which include online voting.

Please see the updated agenda for the day:

08.45 Meet in the quad and depart Biddenham School
09.00-09.30 Schools arrive
09.30-10.30 Keynote speaker, Dr Phil Porter, University of Hertfordshire
10.30-10.50 Break
10.50-11.40 Exhibition/Workshop/Talk
11.50-12.40 Exhibition/Workshop/Talk
12.40-13.10 Lunch
13.10-14.00 Exhibition/Workshop/Talk
14.10-15.00 Panel and Q&A
15.00-15.10 Evaluation and End
15.30 Arrive back at Biddenham School (traffic permitting)

Finally the venue has requested that all students submit a question (about climate change) to them so the panel can answer these. Please can you ensure your child has emailed me the question by Tuesday 19th December so that I can forward these on.

If you have any questions about this trip then please do contact me.

Yours Sincerely

Mary-Ann Browne

KS3 Geography Coordinator
Lead Teacher Project Based Learning