Visit to PWC Birmingham


February 2024

Dear Parent/Carer

Visit to PWC, Birmingham on Wednesday 6th March 2024

We have been invited to attend PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) Birmingham offices for a careers engagement day. Students will spend three hours engaging with the employees of PWC and learning more about the degree apprenticeships they offer. They will also be given the opportunity to have a look around the offices and take part in a challenge which will introduce them to either audit or technology. They will also have the opportunity to hear from past and current
participants of the Flying Start degrees and ask questions during a panel event.

Students will need to meet by the mini buses at Biddenham School at 6.30am. We will then drive to Northampton and catch the 7.37am train to Birmingham. We will then walk to PWC offices where students will participate in the employer engagement activities from 9.00am-12.00pm. We aim to return to Biddenham by 3.00pm where students will need to arrange collection or make their own way home.

The cost of the trip is £23.00. Please make payment and provide parental consent on your ParentPay account to confirm your child will attend by Monday 4th March. Apologies for the quick turnaround. If this is not possible, please do get in touch with me and we can make alternative

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Yours sincerely


Shelley Cadman
Head of ICT and Computing