Set 1 – 4 Maths letter


November 2023


Dear Parent/Carer


I hope you found the Bedrock learning evening and letter useful to support your understanding of the platform to spark conversations at home. 


Our second instalment of information as a follow up from parental engagement evening and this from the Maths department; 


Will my child remain in their current set for Maths?


At the end of every half term students carry out a topic test that will enable them to move groups. We try our best to only move students up to avoid issues around self esteem but if we feel that this is being impacted we will move your child down. These set changes will be communicated to you through text message. 


When can we expect homework in Maths?


Homework in maths is set regularly and is visible on their google classroom.  Homework is set on their last maths lesson of the week. They are set as electronic copies but students also receive paper copies. The focus of the homework is retrieval practice to ensure knowledge from the lesson is embedded. 


What support is available so I can help my child with Maths at home?


Supporting your child at home with maths can be tricky for some parents, methods of working out change overtime and this can be frustrating at home when you can’t support yourself.  The maths department invests in online books through Kerboodle and your child is confident in using these in lessons. They simply login using google sign in. If you would like more information about this please click on this link: 


We hope you have found this a useful insight into the Maths department and how you can support your child’s learning at home and what to expect. Here is a learning journey for Maths at Biddenham should you want to plan ahead 


Yours Sincerely, 



Ms E Simpson

Assistant Headteacher

Director of Key Stage 3