Stagsden Driving Range Visit


October 2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

Y12 BTEC Sport Anatomy and Physiology Stagsden Driving Range

As part of your child’s BTEC Sport course, we would like to take them to Stagsden Golf Course driving range on Thursday 2nd November during their period 1 lesson from 8:25am – 9:30am. We will be traveling to and from the golf course in the school minibus.

During our time at the golf course we will be looking at movement analysis during the sporting action of golf.  Students will need to be dressed in sporting clothes to allow them to take part in a golf session.

If you are happy for your child to take part, please provide parental consent via ParentPay.

Yours Sincerely

Mrs Phillipa Chapman
Assistant Headteacher
Outreach, Partnership and Community