Knitting and Stitching Show, London 6th October Letter


September 2023

Knitting and Stitching Show, London

Dear Parent/Carer

The Textiles Department is keen for all students to reach their full potential and therefore we would
like to highlight a great opportunity available to Year 10 GCSE Textile Design students and selected
Year 11/12 students.

We are organising a study visit to the Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace in London on
Friday 6th October 2023.

We shall be travelling there and back by coach. On the day of the visit the students will need to be
at school on time so that the coach can leave at 8.00 am. We will be aiming to arrive back at
Biddenham at approximately 5.00pm.

The cost of this trip will be £32.00 and includes coach travel and show tickets.
Students may wear their own clothing and will need to bring a notebook/sketchbook, drawing
materials and a packed lunch. If a student usually has free school meals, a packed lunch can be
provided if a request is made to Mrs Manning by Friday 28th at the latest.

The activity is an extension to work the students are doing in school and is a valuable element of
their course. Students will be able to watch Textile artists at work, visit the Textiles Galleries, the
graduate showcase and attend project demonstrations by Textiles artists.

Year 10 students will be required to produce a written and visual report of their day, which will form
part of their coursework.

Please confirm your place and provide parental consent via ParentPay by 1st October.

Thank you for supporting your child in this way.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs R Manning  Teacher of Art & Design

Miss L Parker Head of Visual Arts