Bedford Police & Crime Commissioner’s Youth Conference



22nd February 2023

Dear Parent/Carers

Bedford Police & Crime Commissioner’s Youth Conference

We would like to invite your child to attend the Bedford Police and Crime Commissioner’s Youth Conference which will be taking place on Thursday 2nd March 2023 at Kings House, Bedford.

The conference aims to help young people to understand the impact their actions and choices can have on the rest of their life, and will give them the opportunity to be part of the solution in reducing crime in Bedfordshire. The day will consist of a variety of workshops, guest speakers and an interactive theatre production. The conference will look to inspire, inform and empower students.

Students will be leaving school by school mini bus or taxi at 8:45 am and will return to school by approximately 3:30 pm on Thursday 2nd March. Lunch will be provided by the venue but students are encouraged to bring their own food and drink where necessary.

This is an exciting opportunity for your child to create meaningful changes within our community.

If you would like your child to attend, please complete the Parental Consent form on ParentPay  no later than Monday 27th February in order for excess spaces to be offered to other students.

Kind regard

Miss T Nagle

Assistant Head of Year 9