The Nutcracker – Wednesday 14th December 2022


November 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am writing to invite your child to participate in an educational visit to watch The Nutcracker.  The ballet will be performed by The Royal Ballet Company and The Royal Opera Orchestra in Covent Garden, London.  It is a wonderful opportunity to watch a live dance performance, with a live orchestra, in a fabulous venue.

The date of the trip is Wednesday 14th December.  Students will travel by coach to London from school at 9.30am.  The students will return to school between 5.30 and 6pm. The cost of the trip will be £32.  This will include a ticket to the ballet performance and transport to London and back to school.  Payment and parental consent for the trip should be made on ParentPay.

Students will need to bring a packed lunch and packed tea along with a bottle of water.  Students in receipt of free school meals will be provided with food for the day, but it is advised to bring an extra bottle of water.

Dress code for the day is full school uniform including blazers, ties and smart school shoes.

There is a gift shop and there may be opportunities to purchase souvenirs and refreshments at the Opera House.  Students may bring money with them for this purpose. Students will be responsible for any money or belongings they bring with them on the trip.

Students can bring phones with them in order to text parents/carers about accurate timings for returning home as traffic can be unpredictable.  Phones will be looked after by the students themselves and will need to be turned off throughout the duration of the performance between 12.15 and 2.30pm

We anticipate this to be a popular trip and tickets are limited and will be on a first come first served basis.

Tickets will go live on ParentPay on Monday 21st November at 8am.

Yours sincerely


Dr Murphy

Music Lead

Performing Arts Faculty