Natural History Museum – Friday 20th January 2023



December 2022

Dear Parent/Carer

We have signed up for a trial for an online learning platform SAM Learning.

We are trialling this with a small group of students from different year groups, to get their feedback.  The trial is only for 30 days, which takes us over the holiday period.

SAM learning platform caters for all year groups, building the foundations at KS3 and we are excited about is the fact that it is exam board specific for our Key Stage 4 and 5 learners.  The content encourages students to actively participate, they need to get the right answers before it allows them to move on.  It also allows opportunities for students to aspire higher in a range of other subjects working independently on areas of strength and development in their own time to support revision or deepening knowledge of a new topic studied in class.

You are receiving this letter, because your child has been offered to take part in the trial and to feedback to us, via google form, their experiences.

The trial will be either a tailored reading programme, designed to improve reading age or a chance to navigate and ‘play’ on the site.  In both groups, we are looking to see if students enjoy the layout of the work.  This will be specifically in core subjects, to give a fair reflection of how easy it is to use.

If your child does not want to take part, then they don’t need to and can simply not complete the google form when it comes out.

If they do want to take part, it would be really helpful for them to complete the google form and give their honest feedback on this platform.

Wishing you a good winter break

Kind regards


Ms Emily Simpson

Assistant Headteacher – RSL KS3

Mr George Foy

Assistant Headteacher – RSL KS4

Mr Alan Brown

Assistant Headteacher – RSL KS5