RAF Cosford – Thursday 7th July 2022


May 2022

Dear Parents/Carers

National Cold War Exhibition – Thursday 7th July 2022

As part of our Cold War and Superpower Relations module in GCSE History we would like to take students to RAF Cosford to the National Cold War Exhibition Centre in Shropshire (https://www.rafmuseum.org.uk/cosford/) on Thursday 7th July. This will help them consolidate their learning from earlier in the school year.

The cost of the trip will be £27.00. This covers the cost of the coach, two seminars at the museum, a ticket for 4D Cinema experience and it also contributes towards the cost of the lesson cover for the staff necessary to run the trip. In order for students to guarantee their places, we are asking for payment by Monday 13th June 2022.  Payments should be made through Parent Pay.

Students will need to be at school for 7.45am for a register to be taken and final instructions to be given as we will leave the site at 8am and travel by coach to the venue, returning by 5pm (traffic permitting). It is advised that students  wear weather appropriate clothing as there is a lot of walking (some of it will be from building to building), and bring a packed lunch as there is no provision for students to purchase food.  Students who receive free school meals will have their lunch provided for them.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

There is an additional option for your child to also book onto the VR simulator experience or to use a Black Hawk helicopter simulator, these are an additional £5 each. These can be paid for separately on Parent Pay.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Ree Ann Vaughan

Head of History and Politics

RSE Lead