Year 11 Parent Letter 1st April 2022



1st April 2022


Dear Biddenham families,


I am conscious that this letter will be one of the last pieces of correspondence that you receive before our Year 11 students complete their final year of Key Stage 4. Without dwelling on that idea too much, I would like to thank you all in advance for the support you will continue to provide for your children as their exams approach.


This term has been filled with many successes; Year 11 have participated in a number of sports fixtures, a number of them attended a residential trip to Wales, they have had school trips for English, they participated in this year’s Spring Into Dance show (on stage and in the tech department) and they have worked incredibly hard to complete all coursework and exam content too. As we approach the school holidays we hope that our students take time to rest and recharge, ready to come back on April 20th and finalise their preparation for the GCSE exams. In addition, we will be supporting our students with their revision, preparing for their post-16 courses and celebrating the end of their formal education at Biddenham.


We also have been working with Year 11 to support them with their post-16 choices. All students have been offered 1:1 careers meetings with our experienced careers advice team, and all students have either begun or submitted their applications to their preferred education establishments for September.  As ever, we are thrilled with the number of students that have applied to remain at Biddenham for Sixth Form. The interview panel has been very impressed with all of the applicants’ interviews so far.


I firmly believe that all students should make the most of their down-time over the Easter break, but, alongside this, they must consider their individual preparation for the GCSE exams. Revision topics and resources can be found on each individual subject’s Google Classroom, as well as on the general Year 11 Notices Classroom (where students can also find the ‘Revision Planner’ document too). To support your child further with their studies all Year 11 students are encouraged to order revision guides for each subject via the ParentPay system. These, combined with the online resources on the Google Classroom, BluTick, GCSE Pod, Seneca and Tassomai are excellent study aids and the use of them should be encouraged wherever possible.


I am very aware of the impact that the run up to the exam season can have on our students’ wellbeing. On the ‘Revision’ section of the school website we also have advice to support your children during exams, and that information can be found by clicking here. With this in mind, please also encourage your child to look after their mental health during this time. This can be done in a variety of ways, but it can begin with having a regular bedtime with at least 7 hours sleep a night, light exercise everyday and a healthy diet.


I am mindful, of course, that our students observing Ramadan will begin doing so this weekend, and this may mean there are some changes to their eating, sleeping and exercise patterns over the coming months. I would like to encourage all of our students to consider how to adjust to the changes to their personal schedule, either simply by being at home during the holidays, or by observing the customs and practices of Ramadan. For further wellbeing ideas and support we offer, please visit the wellbeing section of the website by clicking here.


And finally, thinking ahead to our end of year celebrations. Year 11 will begin their study leave at 2:30pm on Wednesday May 25th.  Please note that this year, after half term, students will be permitted to attend their exams in their own clothes, rather than in their school uniform. 


All students have been given letters to order their ‘Class of 2022’ hoodies, and we have our Year 11 Prom booked for Thursday July 14th 7-11pm at the Woodlands Manor Hotel in Clapham. Tickets will be £25 and available to purchase after the Easter break and a letter with the finer details of the evening will be shared with students and their families too.


The final five weeks of school are important and we will be expecting high standards of behaviour, punctuality, school uniform and work ethic. It is also important that all students bring their chromebooks to school, fully charged; they are an important tool for exam preparation and revision. We do understand that it may be difficult for some students to cope with the pressures to come. Please contact your child’s tutor if you have any concerns. All contact details for the year 11 team are listed below.


Tutor Group Tutor Contact
11 MDE
11 MPM
11 LG
11 DRG
11 SZH
11 DFB
11 EVR
11 SDN


Both of our Assistant Heads of Year can be contacted via email at

Miss A. Lewis –

Mr. P. Alexis –


And over the final five weeks I will continue to support our Year 11 cohort with attendance, behaviour for learning, achievement, attainment and safeguarding. I can be contacted via email at Miss I. Lilley-Moncrieff


Thank you in advance for your support across the final half term.


Yours sincerely,



Miss I. Lilley-Moncrieff

Head of Year 11