Year 9 Parents’ Evening (Virtual) – 18th January 2022


January 2022

Dear Parent/Carers

Year 9 Parents’ Evening (Virtual) – Tuesday 18th January 2022 from 4pm until 8pm

We are holding a virtual Year 9 Parents’ Evening on Tuesday 18th January 2022. Subject teachers will again spend the afternoon and evening conducting online interviews with students and their parents/carers.

The primary purpose of this parents’ evening will be to help subject teachers develop a closer working relationship with parents/carers and strengthen the partnership between home and school. Teachers will work with students to identify areas where they are working well and what needs to happen to make good progress during the rest of this academic year.

This will be the first opportunity to discuss the progress your child is making following the transition to Key Stage 4 and how well they are working following their GCSE option choices in October. You will also be able to meet with your child’s core GCSE teachers for English, Science, Maths, Religious Studies and get an analysis of how well they are working in these subjects since September.

We will continue to use the online booking system for making appointments. Please follow the link and you will be taken directly to the login page. Enter your details and your child’s details as required on the login screen. You will need to use your child’s preferred first name, preferred surname, and their date of birth. Bookings are now open, and will close at midday on Tuesday 18th January. If there are any problems with booking please contact Julie Giles on 01234 334560 or email

Due to the current Covid situation, the appointments will not take place in school, but will be by video, and are accessible through most smartphones, tablets or laptops as has happened previously. Your child’s school Chromebook can also be used to access the appointments.  Please click here for a guide on how to attend your appointments.

We can also offer telephone appointments if this is more convenient for you.

Yours sincerely


Head of Year 9